Pre & Post Placement Programme

After all, people matter. The value of pre and post placement support to both employers and their new staff makes a measurable difference during the initial period

Industry Experience

We are trained and relevant in the space within which we recruit and continue to invest to understand client talent requirements and candidate career objectives, strengths, background and goals

Outcome Driven

Employers are delighted with the speed at which our team deliver to the requested standard – always within deadline; Candidates attest to our support during the search for the job that allows them to reach career goals.

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Looking for talent?

We at Malander Placements pride ourselves in the ability to identify and assess the requirements of job roles in order to ensure that our candidates are placed in a role that suits their ability, personality and experience, and provides them with growth and career progression opportunities.

We further perform an in-depth analysis of our client’s environment and the specific role to enable us to place to perfect candidate for available roles, as this will contribute to the success of both our candidates and clients.


Looking for a job?

Looking for a short or long term contract? We offer opportunities both locally and internationally.

We pride ourselves in having a highly qualified and trained team, with vast experience in a variety of sectors specialising in Finance, IT, HR and Legal sectors. Together with continuous training and professional development, we will ensure that we have the ability to identify the best opportunity for you!

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Hear what others have to say

Job Seeker Testimonials